Central Bank: The rise of the dollar because of customs duties and income tax

Central Bank: The rise of the dollar because of customs duties and income tax

04/25/2015 15:01

Central Bank - The rise of the dollar because of customs duties and income taxTomorrow Press / Baghdad: Governor of the Central Bank revealed agency on the Keywords, Saturday, that the rise in the dollar against the dinar because of customs duties and income tax on coming to buy the dollar imposed by the government. Alak said for “tomorrow Press”, that “the government began to implement the customs tariff of 5% and income tax of 3% on the traders when buying the dollar from the central bank, “explaining that” the rise in the dollar against the Iraqi dinar is only 8%, the tax and fees of customs. ” He noted that “the government has begun to apply customs duties and income tax when buying the dollar, Because access to customs duties is difficult because of the situation in the border ports tax system and retardation in general. ” mentions dollar rose dramatically during the last period, which reflected negatively on the market.
