Boehner: US military commanders in Iraq, their hands are tied and the use of Iran is embarrassing
Boehner: US military commanders in Iraq, their hands are tied and the use of Iran is embarrassing
15-04-2015 10:21 AM
John Boehner chairman of the US House of Representatives said that the role of US troops in Iraq should not be limited to training and advising Iraqi troops fighting the elements of the organization Daash terrorist, but he stopped short of demanding a combat role for US soldiers in Iraq.
He complained Penner from the hands of the US military commanders tied as the limit of commissioning is training and counseling, indicating that it is critical to seek and Iraq to Iran to help expel the elements Daash from the city of Tikrit.
He Penner that the Obama administration needs a comprehensive strategy and more explicit about dealing with Daash across the region, while noting that Iraqis need more US help in the planning and direction, participation and buy weapons.