Cabinet Secretary confirms the government’s efforts to reduce the fiscal deficit

Cabinet Secretary confirms the government’s efforts to reduce the fiscal deficit

08/04/2015 10:36 GMT

Cabinet Secretary confirms the governments efforts to reduce the fiscal deficitAgencies – The secretary general of the Council of Ministers Hamid Khalaf Ahmed, during a meeting with Citi Bank Director Dennis Flannery, the Iraqi government sought to reduce the fiscal deficit, which Ishh Iraq.
A statement by the Secretariat, the news agency public opinion received (and babysit), a copy of it on Wednesday, said that “Ahmed, Flannery in his office this morning, and during the meeting, display date of the agreement between the Iraqi government and international banks that deal with economic cooperation with Iraq.”

“The secretary-general stressed that the Iraqi government is serious about trying to reduce the fiscal deficit gap imposed by the current circumstances, while noting Flannery to touch the international parties seriously and rigidity of the current government in Iraq and dealing with the various challenges distinctly, especially since many of them have contributed to drain the financial resources of the state such as fighting terrorism and the restoration of the various areas of the grip. ”

The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Rose Nuri Shaways, noted in 12 of the last February, that “still a long way to achieve the desired economic reform goals, and there are still significant challenges in front of the Iraqi economy, represented by the continuation of a rentier economy and its dependence on the extraction and export of oil, and low the contribution of the sectors of industry, agriculture, energy and tourism supply domestic product ratio of the total. ”

It is said that Iraq, live economic distress in the light of the decrease in oil prices, which reflected negatively on the federal budget for 2015 and led to the deficit by 25%, as called for economists to the need to stimulate the private sector and activating investment and the adoption of local products to increase imports and reduce spending. Q, Q