Economic Commission in Karbala, 10 offices based banking to convert currency

Karbala / JD / .. Announced the local government in Karbala inventory vacations banking offices and currency exchange offices only ten, and controls according to the CBI. The head of the Economic Committee in the province of Karbala Tariq Kikhany in a statement to the reporter / agency JD / Monday, “Decides to establish the leave granted to the offices of banking and currency converter leaves only ten.” Noting, “will be granted leave to controls the Central Bank of Iraq.” He added, “The decision to limit vacations to reduce fraud and smuggling currency that spread recently.” He explained, “reflected the political events and regional economic changes which have caused a negative impact on the economy in general and the Iraqi dinar currency in particular.” He pointed to Kikhany, “The local government will develop a mechanism in the coming days to receive applications for banking offices wishing to obtain licenses to practice a profession.” He noted, “will close all offices other non-licensed after that.” / Finished / M r /