UN warns of a severe financial crisis in Iraq
UN warns of a severe financial crisis in Iraq
6:37: 02/21/2015
Khandan- describe the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Nikolay Mladenov economic crisis experienced by Iraq Bakhanqh, pointing out that the decline in oil prices is not the only challenge, but there are large numbers of displaced people, and fierce war fought by Iraq against al “Daash” terrorist, not to mention about the urgent need to restore life great for several cities liberated from the control of terrorism recently. He said Nikolai in the annual report submitted to the Security Council recently, said that “the Baghdad government is facing additional challenges related to tight financial conditions, despite the success of the Parliament to pass the annual budget for 2015″, and referred to the “The government has resorted to what is known as spending restricted due to lower oil revenues.” He added that it is “the most pressing is the need of the Iraqi authorities and the United Nations to redouble efforts to support more than two million displaced people were forced to leave their homes since January,” reminding the Security Council of the seriousness of the situation on the Earth “as 5.2 million people in need of humanitarian aid, including 2.25 million Iraqis, and the rest of the Syrian refugees.” and also pointed out that “the population of the Kurdistan region now has increased about 30 percent due to the influx of displaced persons and refugees.” He said that “despite absorbed initiatives by local communities in all parts of the country, the third of the internally displaced persons in areas which can be accessed live in incomplete and abandoned buildings and shelters, temporary and random houses, where living conditions are extremely fragile and dependent on aid to survive. ” He warned Nikolai of “Stop or reduce the proportion of 60 percent of the humanitarian operations in Iraq necessary financing did not arrive in the next few weeks, “noting that” the food supply will stop in the middle of May the necessary financing did not arrive before the end of March, and will stop as well as basic medical supplies at the end of March. ” The representative United Nations, “We are in urgent need of $ 150 million to support the displaced, if necessary to save lives and enormous protection requirements are likely to increase.” (life)