Parliamentary Finance: Budget Law will be published in the official proceedings tomorrow

Parliamentary Finance: Budget Law will be published in the official proceedings tomorrow

Date: 21/02/2015 10:06

Parliamentary Finance - Budget Law will be published in the official proceedings tomorrowInformation / Baghdad / ..
parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed on Saturday that the draft federal budget law will be published in the Gazette the facts of Iraq on Sunday, while suggesting that it formed a committee to monitor the budget disbursement after publication and issue instructions from the Ministry of Finance.
The committee member said Masood Haider in told / information /, “The Ministry of Finance will issue instructions on the budget in 2015 disbursed in accordance with the provisions contained in,” noting that “the Finance Committee, a subcommittee of them to observe the conduct constituted money and instructions exchange process issued by financial after publication in the Gazette facts.”
He said Haider “The draft federal budget for the current year Balad law will be published in the official newspaper facts on Sunday after what was approved by the President Fuad Masum, since more than a week.” Finished / 25 u