US and British intelligence Taatgessan on smartphones under the pretext of national security

US and British intelligence Taatgessan on smartphones under the pretext of national security

Posted, 21/02/2015 19:13 GMT

US and British intelligence Taatgessan on smartphones under the pretext of national securityFollow-up – and babysit – The US and British intelligence agencies to penetrate one of the largest specialized in communication segments of manufacturing global corporate databases (SIM Cards), in order to steal the codes their own to facilitate spying on millions of smartphones, according to an interview published on “The Intercept” report.
He explained that he derived his information the site of a private documents obtained from a former employee of the US National Security Agency, Edward Snowden.

The spokesperson for the company “Gamalto” (Gemalto), which was targeted by the US National Security Agency and the British government communications, they deal with the allegations mentioned in the report “seriously.”

The report pointed out that the US-British Breakthrough joint began in April 2010, has an unspecified number of encryption keys succeeded in stealing from a number of communication around the world chip manufacturers, most notably the “Gamalto”, which is among the largest in the world, producing more than 2 billion Slice each year.

The deal “Gamalto”, which headquartered in the Netherlands and has her work in more than 85 countries, with more than 450 contacts around the world companies, including the four networks in the United States (Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, AT