American newspaper: Iran and its allies in the region lying and Obama Ahaddenhm
American newspaper: Iran and its allies in the region lying and Obama Ahaddenhm
17-02-2015 06:23 PM
The Washington Times newspaper, the US published two articles dealing with stretch Iran and its allies in the region (Middle East), and threatening American interests, and are critical of President Barack Obama’s policy which Asfanaha Palmeadna and is serious to stop this threat.
A writer Ed Royce in one of the numbers below the model of Hezbollah, which was established by Tehran spreads in the (Middle East), especially in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran is supporting its allies in Bahrain.
He criticized the Obama administration, saying it had not yet reality expansion accelerated for this ‘terrorist coalition’ that threatens the interests of America and its allies in the region understands.
He added the writer that the Obama administration is not interested that the nuclear talks will reward Tehran Bafrajha for billions of dollars in infrastructure needed to produce nuclear weapons, wondering: ‘Imagine Hezbollah backed by a nuclear Iran?’.
In another article wrote Cal Thomas that America has a president who does not fit the circumstance in which you live, ‘it is not serious at a time Each seriously requires. ‘
He added that ‘the forces of terror’ in the world realized that they could do what they want without being subjected to punishment.
Thomas said: that Iran’s mullahs do not think they will be held accountable to their lies to the west in connection with their nuclear program and build a missile system up to the United States.
He added that Obama is keen to reach a nuclear deal with Iran even lets him so mantras diplomatic successfully and justify his reluctance to do what is necessary to stop this country and its aftermath.
He concluded Thomas essay that Obama was saying that he was elected to end the war and not ignited, and commented that this goal he will deserve the effort if that ending the war is one-sided, ‘but if one of the parties in the ongoing fighting, it means that the war did not stop.’