Innovation thin bubble of rubber to hide submarines from sonar

Innovation thin bubble of rubber to hide submarines from sonar

Published on Saturday February 7, 2015 07:53

Innovation thin bubble of rubber to hide submarines from sonarBAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network ( IMN ) – Researchers at the School of Physics at Diodorus University in Paris, a new way to make the hidden subs for frequency sonar, through a thin bubble around the body of the submarine made ​​of coated rubber composition, which makes it almost hidden from detection devices , according to the Web site of the American Life Sainz.
The researchers designed a bubble composed of a soft layer of rubber and silicon covers the body of the submarine with a thickness of 230 microns, which is slightly more than the average width of a human hair, separated from the body aerobic layer height of 50 microns.
Researchers have revealed that, after shedding sonar frequencies on the body of the submarine detection frequencies were dashed by 91 percent, while the researchers predicted that the bubble and making a thickness of 4 mm can be non-exposed submarine sonar become 99 percent.
This finding supports the formation of so-called “stealth submarines”, which can not be detected in military operations and war games.
Translation: Ammar al-Kazim, the Open: Mushtaq Ramadan Alfeli