US senator calls on Congress to formally declare war on “Daash”

US senator calls on Congress to formally declare war on “Daash”

04/12/2014 06:59 GMT

US senator calls on Congress to formally declare war on DaashFollow-up – and babysit – called Republican Senator Rand Paul, the US Congress, to “officially” declare war on “Daash” with the intensification of the discussions in the Senate and House of Representatives on the campaign in Iraq and Syria.
Said Paul, a potential competitor in the US presidential election in 2016, in a statement, quoted by “Reuters”, and I followed with “Alsumaria News”, that “at the present time, this war is legitimate that moves Congress according to the Constitution authorizes it.”

Presented senator Kentucky decision to the Council, which seeks to declare that a state of war with the organization that list against him by US forces and allied air strikes in four months.

Lawmakers will vote in the coming days on a draft law huge defense expenditures carries the name “National Defense Authorization Act,” which authorizes, among other things arming Syrian opposition moderates in the war against “Daash.”

It is unlikely that the project poses Paul’s decision to vote any time soon.

Most members of Congress do not support any formal declaration of war, and say that the campaign is not large to that degree.

But many, including Republicans and Democrats from the Democratic Party of President Barack Obama want to hold discussions and vote on an official authorization to use force puts the guidance of the battle against Sunni militants who have killed thousands of people during their control over large tracts of land in Iraq and Syria.

Sen. Tim Kaine Democrat of Virginia, said there were “strange conspiracy of silence” about the “unilateral war” has already cost US taxpayers more than a billion dollars. Obama called to communicate with Congress on the issue and urged lawmakers not to go to their states this month before the Tsoat.a / h