Have you been closing my eyes Maliki while going to meet with Nasrallah?

Have you been closing my eyes Maliki while going to meet with Nasrallah?

04-12-2014 04:06 PM

Have you been closing my eyes Maliki while going to meet with NasrallahDo you turned a blind eye Maliki!
Tariq Hameed
Some media reported the news of the meeting Nuri al-Maliki, Iraqi Vice President, the leader of the «Hezbollah» Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon, but the channel «world» Iran said in her report that Nasrallah «received» Maliki .. Accordingly, Will turned a blind eye Maliki, The transfer from the basement to another to meet with Nasrallah?
Known to all who visited Hassan Nasrallah over these phases .. car tinted glass, eyes-closed, and the passage of Bsradeb, changing cars at times, but it did not happen, of course, when he met «Hezbollah» leader of former Iranian President Ahmadinejad, then the Nasrallah’s met in the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon, while today says the channel «world» Iranian Maliki is visited Nasrallah, Is this the fate of Iraq? Is this what is worthy of the position of Vice President who goes to visit militia leader all legitimacy are carrying weapons to the Lebanese state service to Iran, and in defense of Assad crimes, especially that Maliki does not mediated?
Had al-Maliki is mediated, for example, it is worthless, for the simple reason, which is that Iraq is now trying to recover from the Maliki stage himself, and previous government, and that it is, of course, does not need to be clarified about the lack of credibility of any mediation carried out by al-Maliki, especially after reading The statement issued by «Hezbollah» and al-Maliki after the last visit of the party, where the statement says that Nasrallah and al-Maliki reviewed the events that have devastated the region, especially the current stage, particularly in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. The statement pointed out that Nasrallah and al-Maliki has expressed their confidence in the absolute inevitability «triumph of peoples and governments of the region (Daash) and his ilk from the groups.» The statement also added that «the reading was identical on backgrounds, goals and ways of confrontation and the importance of making every effort to maintain the full independence and unfinished for each state, and the need for cooperation to prevent all forms of sectarianism, and the face of incitements currents that threaten all»!
Well .. What is the meaning of all this? Its meaning is clear is that al-Maliki and Nasrallah agree, and are compatible, Bashar al-Assad crimes in Syria, «Hezbollah» and intervention there, and with the help of Iran, especially the statement says that the «reading was identical», the two also agree that they are possessed of absolute right the region, and all of Akhalvhma is calculated on «expiatory currents»!
The question here is: Is this the Iraqi government, which says it seeks to reform the position, and re-glue Iraq – Iraq, the Iraqi – Arab relations? Or is this a rebellion of al-Maliki on a system in which the vice president is the site? Will the Iraqi government fights «Daash» Now while defending the other side of the terrorist organization, a lion, especially al-Maliki that Nasrallah had visited the actual protector of Assad in Syria now?

Questions need to be answered, and requires scrutiny warned not to believe everything that comes out of Baghdad now.
