American newspaper: America has developed a bomb to destroy Iran’s nuclear “Fordow” Site

American newspaper: America has developed a bomb to destroy Iran’s nuclear “Fordow” Site

24-11-2014 12:28 AM

American newspaper - America has developed a bomb to destroy Iran's nuclear Fordow SiteA news report said that the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) restored the biggest bomb ‘bunker buster design’ more advanced specifications to enable them to destroy the Iranian nuclear site is the most heavily guarded and defense.
Newspaper ‘Wall Street Journal’ and the US reported that US officials believe that the development of this bomb weighing 30 000 pounds is important to convince Israel that the United States has the power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb if diplomatic efforts failed and that the Israeli army, he can not be performed this task alone.
She said ‘newspaper’ in its edition on Friday that US officials are seeking to prove their capabilities, recently offered on Israeli civilians and soldiers leaders videotape secret Air Force about a previous version of the bomb which infect goal in the experience of high and explained what had been done to improve this bomb , according to diplomats who participated in the meeting.
The newspaper added that the improvements made to the bomb designed to allay US and Israeli concerns that it can not destroy the site ‘Fordo’ Iran from the air.
It is believed that ‘Fordo’ goal will be difficult, if not impossible that the United States can be destroyed using conventional weapons.
The newspaper went on to overcome this obstacle can significantly enhance the position of the West in diplomatic efforts to persuade Iran to curb its nuclear program.
She said US officials have expressed their belief that the support of the United States in the field of weapons of penetrating fortifications reduces the possibility of the implementation of Israel’s attack unilaterally against Iran during the current year, next year and perhaps, which means earning more time in front of President Barack Obama’s administration to continue efforts diplomacy after the elections taking place in Iran next month.
Israeli officials declined to comment and say they reserve the right to launch an attack on Iran.
It is said that Israel has threatened to launch attacks against Iran’s nuclear facilities because it is considered that the presence of ‘nuclear Iran’ threat to its existence, under Iranian officials told the state should be wiped off the map.
Iran has threatened its part of a violent response in the event of an Israeli attack on them.
It indicated that the newspaper ‘The Guardian’ to Britain sending submarines directed automatically to the Arabian Gulf in maneuvers involving 40 countries. The US Navy had announced Monday that the United States will hold military exercises with its allies in the Gulf region for training in mine clearance and escort ships.
The site ‘Russia Today’ that he will meet representatives from more than 30 countries in Bahrain to participate in international training on mine counter-measures during the period from the sixth until the thirtieth of May / May 2015, eight months after the previous version of the maneuvers that took place in a period of exchange threats of war between Iran and Israel.
The site ‘Moscow News’, quoting Russian sources that the US maneuvers in the Gulf aimed at laying mines not removed’, and analysts have warned Ross of the consequences of the West in any military action against Iran, considering I target the upcoming US military exercises in the Gulf region is not mine, but planted across the pressure on Iran on the threshold of the presidential elections, and to deepen the Sunni Shiite rift in the region.
It is scheduled to maneuvers are limited to the Gulf region, and will focus on the protection of critical infrastructure such as offshore oil assets. There are no plans to conduct exercises in the Strait of Hormuz, because it might impede traffic, according to US officials statements. Has not yet announced the names of the countries that will participate in the exercises, but it is known that Britain, France and some Middle East countries and other countries such as Estonia and New Zealand participated in the exercises, which took place in September / September.

For his part, Iranian strategic expert Amir Mousavi said the United States strategic interests in the region, and there are many indications that the lack of a war between Iran and America, as he put it.