Washington has refused to confirm or deny the news of Obama to send a message to Mr. Khamenei
Washington has refused to confirm or deny the news of Obama to send a message to Mr. Khamenei
11/07/2014 10:18 GMT
Baghdad – and babysit – Washington refused to confirm or deny press reports indicated that President Barack Obama face a secret message to the commander of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said he was not authorized in the site search private messages between the president and commander in the world.
Ernst and repeat say that Iran and the United States discussed the negotiations on the sidelines of the nuclear threat posed by terrorists, but stressed that Washington would not cooperate militarily with Iran in this regard, and will not share intelligence.
The newspaper “The Wall Street Journal,” the US has been quoted what it called people who were briefed on the text of the letter sent to Obama last month.
The newspaper reported that Obama touched on in his letter to what he described as the common battle against the group “Daash”, but stressed that any cooperation in the fight against the group will be subject to reaching a comprehensive agreement in the nuclear field.
The newspaper added that the letter is believed to be the fourth-driven Obama to Ayatollah Khamenei since the US president the authority in 2009.
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