Maliki refuses to hand over office to his successor, Prime Minister

Maliki refuses to hand over office to his successor, Prime Minister

September 28, 2014, 12:35

Maliki refuses to hand over office to his successor Prime MinisterBAGHDAD – ((eighth day))

A source in the cabinet of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki refused to hand over his office to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.

The source said in his speech ((eighth day)) Maliki raise painting bearing the words Prime Minister’s Office and replace it with another plate bearing the words of Vice President retains the presidential palace, which is supposed to be the seat of the new prime minister.

The source said that Maliki’s office as Vice-President of the Republic is in the presidential compound in Baghdad’s Jadriya alongside office of Vice President Iyad Allawi, Osama al-Nujaifi, but in the process a challenge for his successor, insisted on staying in his office.

Observers described the actions of al-Maliki as attachment to reflect the judgment and rejection of peaceful transfer of power as well as it highlights its crisis about the psychological process of change that has gripped Iraq after stepping down as prime minister. (AA)