The cost of air strikes on the American Daash billion dollars a month

The cost of air strikes on the American Daash billion dollars a month

28/09/2014 13:39

The cost of air strikes on the American Daash billion dollars a monthAgencies – US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel confirms that the strikes cost the United States “between seven and ten million dollars a day”
Expected to reach the cost of the war waged by the United States and its allies on the organization of “Islamic state” in Iraq and Syria with regard to Washington to more than a billion dollars a month, though this figure is not comparable to the cost of the war in Afghanistan.

He and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel that operations conducted in Iraq since the eighth of August / August and again in Syria since Tuesday, costing the United States “between seven and ten million dollars a day,” pointing out that he would ask Congress for “additional funding” as long as it continues.

The Pentagon had estimated last month, the cost of the process taking place in Iraq to the United States about 7.5 million dollars a day on average. But defense officials acknowledge that this estimate remains at a minimum.

Even the Chief of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, who was present along with Hegel on Friday predicted “financial problems” in the coming period.

Taking strikes in Syria in mind the cost of the use of super equipment development and deployment of an American military unit, though few in number in Iraq can be up to more than ten billion dollars per year.

Said a researcher at the Center for Studies Atlantic Counsel Jim Hacelik “I think we can talk about the number of double-digit billions.”

On the first night of air strikes on the positions of the Islamic state in Syria, the United States fired 47 Tomahawk missiles aboard ships and deployed F-22 fighter jets, several ultra-evolution. The cost of each missile, about $ 1.5 million and all F-22 aircraft about 68 thousand dollars per flight hour.

However, this cost does not compare Baltmwilat mega spent by the United States on the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade.

The researcher believes in Alabhadt Center for Strategic and financial “Center for Land Stratejk Padjetera Acismente” Todd Harrison that “these amounts remain weak compared to what was spent in Afghanistan.”

Bill is still the war in Afghanistan today up to one billion dollars a week. The invasion of Iraq in 2003, and then after that occupation until 2011, was commissioned Altogether more than a thousand billion dollars, according to independent estimates.

In the new war on the Islamic state, and despite the fact that Obama’s promise not to send soldiers into the field there are currently about 1,600 troops in Iraq to protect Americans Aldeplomaseaan and advising Iraqi forces, and to coordinate air strikes. Most analysts expect that the number of these soldiers with the continuation of the war thus leading to increased cost.

During the air campaign waged by NATO in Libya in 2011 amounted to the cost of the contribution of the United States in this process, which lasted seven months billion dollars. But Washington decided that since the early days of the withdrawal of these strikes were made in return for the support of its allies in NATO through Supply and surveillance aircraft.

But unlike the situation in Libya, Washington appears ready to do a dominant role in the campaign to organize the Islamic state.

He says a professor at the university and the former head of the budget under President Bill Clinton, Gordon Adams, “I think that it would cost 15 to 20 billion dollars annually, or from 1.25 to 1.75 billion a month.”

According to Todd Harrison, the cost will be the most expensive cost of the large number of sorties, the air control needed to keep up with the bombers, explaining that “the matter of a vast area strive to be permanently monitored.”

The Pentagon announced that it is monitoring 60 sorties a day in Iraq in the process can continue, according to the White House, for three years.

The funding will come from this campaign, the Pentagon’s war budget: fund emergency operations abroad. This fund is separate from the core budget for defense is the credit card used to cover the cost of the wars waged by the United States.

Congress has raised the value of the fund by 85 billion dollars in the current fiscal year, which ends this month. But the Pentagon is expected, with large withdrawal of troops deployed in Afghanistan at the end of 2014, a significant reduction in its budget for 2015.

But experts say that as long as the limited number of troops deployed, the cost of this war would be disastrous for the Pentagon. SS