Moussawi: Do not allow to walk in the footsteps of the previous government and fill the security ministries proxy
Moussawi: Do not allow to walk in the footsteps of the previous government and fill the security ministries proxy
19/9/2014 eight thirty-three
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for the mass of citizens, Hashim al-Moussawi, said that the House of Representatives does not allow the government to walk in the footsteps of the previous government in filling the ministries, especially the security proxy, noting that Parliament is the source of fundamental decision needs to be on the executive government to obey him.
He said al-Moussawi, told {Euphrates News} “do not allow the House that there will be a new crisis, and we walk on the path of the previous government in filling the ministries proxy, and especially the security ministries sensitive to the suffering of the country from a terrorist attack is fierce.” Iraq has strained security represented by control gangs Daash terrorist on a number of areas of the provinces of Nineveh, Anbar, Salahuddin and Diyala, as well as the targeting of other cities and the capital of Baghdad by terrorist gangs car bombs and improvised explosive devices, mortars, most recently witnessed the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Thursday evening, as the targeted prison justice inside the camp Justice, in the area of Kazimiyah, a number of mortar shells, preceded the explosion of a car bomb driven by a suicide bomber near a bridge imams what resulted in the death and injury of {44} people, as a car bomb exploded area housing near the headquarters of belonging to the Badr Organization, which resulted in the martyrdom and wounding seven Medellin . Moussawi said he “was supposed to be in the parliament session last vote on the security ministers, according to the agreement with the Prime Minister and his pledge in front of the parliament that he will attend a week after the submission of the names that will occupy the security ministries,” explaining that “the Prime Minister attended and there was complete agreement the names put forward so I did not get the support of the House of Representatives as the Parliament is the source of the primary decision and principal in the state of Iraq’s parliamentary and must comply with the executive government of these decisions and opinion. ” and rejected most of the members of the House of Representatives, during a parliament session, which was held last Tuesday, choosing each Riad Ghraib, Jaber al-Jabri to fill the security ministries. confirmed al-Moussawi said: “We will not allow that the remainder of these ministries is busy respective ministers for a long time,” adding that “the Prime Minister and the political blocs binding commitment nationally and morally and legally provide names able to manage ministries.” He said he was ” will be in the next week, or next vote on the ministries and operated by Minister does not stay in the world of agencies. ” and was MP for the mass citizen Hashim al-Moussawi, has revealed on Thursday, the postponement of the vote on the security ministers to two weeks, after a meeting of the National Alliance on Wednesday night Ended last m