There is a focus on ending the reign of al-Maliki, rather than the formation of a more democratic government

Financial Times: There is a focus on ending the reign of al-Maliki, rather than the formation of a more democratic government

09/11/2014 (00:01 pm)

There is a focus on ending the reign of al-Maliki rather than the formation of a more democratic governmentTranslation term

Appeared connotations frequency and lack of confidence immediately after the sudden announcement of Iraq’s politicians that they have formed a new government, which indicates the challenges faced by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.
Western pressure for a unified government to confront the progress detonator for Daash, pushed the deal Monday to speed up the formation of the government – a process that took in the previous months after its deadline.
, but some politicians warned Tuesday that the rush might bring the country back into the political crises that have strengthened sectarian strife. He says the Kurdish parliament Muthana Amin, “The seeds of failure were planted originally in this government, they still did not enjoy national consensus even among some Sunnis and Shiites. Kurds did not enter the hall willingly or Baknaathm but were forced on it by the Americans and the Western powers.”
It is noteworthy that Mr. Abadi has a more conciliatory tone than its predecessor Nuri al-Maliki. In a speech to launch the general program of the government, al-Abadi said the need to reform and decentralization. These worded welcome by Sunni Arabs and Kurds who were long ago complaining of discrimination and marginalization from power.
expressed Sunni groups optimistic over the Kurds on plans Abadi, where he said one of the officials said the United States had promised the help of the Sunnis and the Kurds in resolving their differences with the government in Baghdad.
said Role of the year is necessary to fight the group Daash which took advantage of their tolerance and direct support from disaffected Sunnis. The MP said Jaber al-Jabri last Tuesday, “We have met the government today, and was a functioning government since the first day and I think it is serious.”
and still the Kurdistan region is threatening to withdraw, saying that his participation “conditional” the ability of Mr. Abadi to meet the demands of the Kurds key during the next three months, which include the payment of Budget revenue for the eight months past withheld Maliki because of disagreements about the export of Kurdish independent of oil, and a new law on oil and gas – wants the province to renegotiate the distribution of oil revenues and to allow him to export oil independently of Baghdad, which was rejected by the ruling Shi’ite bloc.
says a member of the negotiating Zana Rostie of Abadi is expected to form a committee within one week to resolve a dispute budget payments, and to agree on the law of oil and gas during the next three months. When asked about the goodwill shown by al-Abadi, said Zana “has the intention to resolve the issue.” He also promised Abadi said the next week manned security positions – defense and interior – that maintained by the Sunnis and Shiites alternately.
said Ramsey Mardini, an analyst at the Research Council of the Atlantic, that “leaving security positions vacant, shows the fragility of the government, but if they had been operated, it would have It showed that the Iraqis have overcome a deficit of trust., but obviously that everyone join the government at the same time hiding their papers. in Iraq, does not relate to the governments of national unity with the participation of power, but rather related to the distribution of shares of the spoils. ”
and had previously gave Maliki promises similar speeds occupancy ministerial positions vacant, but remained vacant or is run by one of his loyalists. He says politicians in Iraq, said the differences within the bloc is that caused the delay occupancy security positions.
At the same time, still the Kurdish bloc – which obtained the approval of the parliament on the candidates three portfolios – preoccupied disagreements internal about their candidates.
warned Secretary of the rush to form a government will not touch to the dynamic core, where he said “there focus on ending the reign of al-Maliki, rather than focusing on the formation of a more democratic government. they Policy extinguish the fire – which still looks like it all you want strategic American.”
said the Elysee Palace on Tuesday that France will add an international conference on 15 September aims to coordinate the fight against militants Daash in Iraq, headed by President Francois Hollande and Iraqi President Fuad Masum.
said in the statement that Mr. Hollande will visit Iraq on Friday before the conference, which will feature Western allies in addition to the prominent players in the region. Previously that France agreed to help in the fight against Kurdish forces Daash, and it is also ready to help the new Iraqi government.