Government efforts to declare Abadi before the NATO summit next Thursday

Government efforts to declare Abadi before the NATO summit next Thursday

Posted 02/09/2014 09:48 AM

Government efforts to declare Abadi before the NATO summit next ThursdayUrges Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi paced to crystallize the final version of his government and declared prior to the NATO summit in the British city of Leeds next Thursday,

Taatanl and the Iraqi crisis and the face of the organization of the Islamic state priority in the agenda of the NATO summit, which requires the presence of a strong, unified ministry that represents all Iraqis can NATO nations to deal with it.

And negotiations to form a new government accelerated in order to overcome all the obstacles faced by the agreement on the government program and distribution of ministerial portfolios between the political forces.

It is widely believed that the government Abadi should be a government embodies all Iraqi factions to encourage NATO countries and twenty-eight, as well as the international community, to take active measures in support of Iraq to face new challenges

And the complexity of the NATO countries (NATO) summit next in the city of Leeds on Thursday and Friday to discuss the risks of expansion to organize the Islamic state “Daash” in Iraq, and the measures to be taken to help it cope with regulation and grab-controlled areas since last June, especially since several countries in NATO is currently providing humanitarian aid and warships to the Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga forces and thousands of displaced people, in addition to the participation of American planes bombed positions in the militants’ Daash. ”

It is scheduled to take measures to support the alliance in the face of Iraq “Daash”, which requires the presence of government interact and procedures ahead.

That President Bashar al-Fuad Masum said that the consultations to form a new government has seen significant progress, and that is announced soon. He noted in a televised statement that there is a feeling everyone has the need to form a government, “otherwise we will enter into a spiral.”

He stressed that the infallible “There are fully convinced with the political parties that it is imperative that we re-Iraq relations with the countries of the region and the Arab states and the countries of the world because it is difficult to rely only on ourselves to fight these armed groups.” The infallible “the need to build a broad coalition