Alliance forces: Maliki continuously with the same approach near his last days in office

Alliance forces: Maliki continuously with the same approach near his last days in office


Alliance forces - Maliki continuously with the same approach near his last days in officeTreasures Media / Baghdad – The coalition forces, commenting on the speech of Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki said on Wednesday that he “unfortunately still Maliki and eight years ago is on the same pattern, the same approach in the language of discourse, despite the fact that the big problems happened in the period of his rule, noting that there have been many massacres in his term and it review its policies and change them with a constant so near his last days in power.

The MP for the coalition forces, Khaled Mafraji in a statement, “we make with the perpetrators of the crime Spyker to justice, but we must stand on the surrounding circumstances and provide security leaders responsible for them, explaining that the leaders who attended the parliament did not provide specific information to the crime, but the words of current formerly the internet.”

He hinted Mafraji, video clips that traded on the sites are stronger than we have seen in the private meeting, adding that there are many parties a common crime, not only Daash and must be investigated. “The Maliki when he speaks about this crime that occurred two months ago to give what is useful, and that he could not Vlaattiy room for other so that he can submit the perpetrators and cooperate with them to justice, noting that” we have put a paragraph with the National Alliance, it is not reasonable to commit the crimes and did not find her solutions.

He noted that “the crimes that have occurred in the time of al-Maliki did not punishable by the perpetrators, and the political parties that support them and the investigations that occur are of questionable credibility.

He added that the next phase Mafraji must contain in its implications, and that there will be an executive judicial views are not linked with political views even lead its real professionalism, valuing effort by the authorities arrested the perpetrators of the crime Musab bin Omair mosque in Diyala and positives for the future. Having been allocated Wednesday of each week, one day for the word the Prime Minister outgoing, become imperative for everyone to listen to him and see what’s new in this word that talk sometimes about the political majority, and at other times for raising the issue of crimes occurred in his state, did not take revenge from perpetrators, with some calling without substance and the other prefers silence on the floor.

He indicated that the Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki said during his weekly, to form a committee as “revenge for the martyrs of Spyker” to hunt down the perpetrators of the murder of about 1,700 students from the military base, urged the security agencies to prosecute the perpetrators of a crime Masjid Musab bin Omair in Diyala and bombings that targeted Shiite mosques in Baghdad.