Barzani receives Commander of Central Operations for the American army
Barzani receives Commander of Central Operations for the American army
Thursday, August 28th, 2014 10:23
Erbil / Baghdad News / .. received Massoud Barzani, President of Kurdistan Region, on Thursday night, Gen. Lloyd Austin, the commander of the central command of operations for the American army and the military delegation accompanying him.
A statement by the presidency of the province received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, “President Barzani expressed his warm welcome to Gen. Lloyd Austin at the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by a number of military leaders, security and management in the Kurdistan Regional Government,” and expressed “thanks and gratitude to the president and the American people for the support provided by the United States to the Kurdistan Region, and appreciation of the role of Gen. Lloyd Austin in military operations against the terrorists (Daash). ”
And threw Barzani, according to the statement, “During the meeting, the light on recent events and terrorist threats and the fall of Mosul, and their attack on Kurdistan, and the victories achieved by the Peshmerga forces supported by the Friends of the Kurdish people, also touched on the humanitarian situation of the displaced and the large numbers who have fled to Kurdistan and their needs, expressing his thanks to the friendly countries for the assistance offered to help them. ”
This has been expressed, Gen. Lloyd Austin for “thanks to President Barzani,” praising “the victories achieved by the Peshmerga forces and praising its role in confronting and defeating the terrorists.”
Chen American fighters and air strikes on militants Maaqla includes “Daash” in areas north of Alarac.anthy 21 / t