Law confirms Maliki stuck a senior security position

Law confirms Maliki stuck a senior security position

Posted, 8-22-2014

Law confirms Maliki stuck a senior security positionBAGHDAD / … confirmed the MP for the coalition of state law Ibtisam Abdul-Hussein, said Thursday that Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki adheres administers the security ministries will not give up the post of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, despite not announcing it until now.

Said Abdul Hussein in an exclusive statement to “Eye of Iraq News,” “The Coalition wants to obtaining Maliki for the position of Commander in Chief of the armed forces in the new government because of the experience of the big-owned in this area, which extends for eight years and know all the security files of local and international, which contributes develop better security, “asserting his quest to” correct the errors that occurred during the previous two sessions. ”

She added that “experience Maliki military superiority of Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi, which features other aspects of economic and political,” pointing out that “al-Maliki until now did not announce his intention to obtain the position in the new government, preferring to stay the leader of a coalition of state law only.”

The new agreements have occurred in the negotiations that resulted in the formation of the government create the post of deputy prime minister for security affairs, which in turn represents the general commander of the armed forces and some sources indicated that the Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki represents the sole candidate for the position. Finished / 6