Maliki as prime choice for the State of Law bloc in Parliament
Maliki as prime choice for the State of Law bloc in Parliament
Saturday 16 August 2014 – 11:07
Leader of a coalition of state law / Nuri al-Maliki
Leaders agree a coalition of state law on the choice of the leader of the coalition, Nouri al-Maliki as head of the State of Law bloc in parliament.
The leader of the coalition of state law Mohammed Saadoun Chihod in a statement singled out by the Radio Marbad that “the leaders of the coalition agreed during the meeting, on Friday, on the choice of al-Maliki, head of the State of Law bloc in parliament, noting that the meeting had been in it also agreed on several things the most important quad formation of a committee of members of the blocks that fall within the coalition of state law to join the representatives of the National Alliance bloc who will begin consultations with the Prime Minister-designate Haider Abadi to form a government in order to accelerate it. ”
Chihod stressed that “al-Maliki asked the members of the coalition supporting the candidate to form a government, Haider Abadi full force and who was present at that meeting.”
He called on those present at the meeting to unite the blocks and not to exit from the coalition of state law, and be an integral part of the National Alliance in order to accelerate the formation of a strong Iraqi government.