Officials response: Baghdad sent us some of the weapons and the American strikes “very effective”

Officials response: Baghdad sent us some of the weapons and the American strikes “very effective”

08/11/2014 (00:01 pm)

Officials response - Baghdad sent us some of the weapons and the American strikes - very effectiveBaghdad / Wael grace

Officials unveiled receive a response from the Kurdistan region of some of the reinforcement provided by the American federal government, stressing that it shares, along with the American air strikes “very effective”, to deter militants Daash who dropped their threat to the territory of the province and the city of Arbil.
The officials spoke on the progress made ​​by the Peshmerga forces after the restoration of hand Coeur affiliated to spend a drunken and predicted the restoration of the judiciary soon. But Kurdish officials acknowledged need Peshmerga forces to expand the circle of air strikes if they asked her to edit the areas where Christians and Yazidis.
At the subsequent development of the day on Sunday, managed the Peshmerga forces of the Liberation eliminate drunken and hand Coeur after several days of clashes with al Daash.
comes at a time when US Central Command announced, which covers the Middle East, in a statement, that the American forces “launched successfully four strikes to defend civilians Yazidis, who are subjected to indiscriminate attacks” near Sinjar.
launched drones strikes Saturday and targeted my vehicle to transport soldiers near Sinjar and destroyed one of them , as stated in the statement. After twenty minutes on the first raid was destroyed HIFI transport soldiers and armored vehicles. It was also the destruction of the transport vehicle soldiers apparently near Sinjar, between Mosul and the Syrian border.
Commenting on this, reveals Hassan Jihad, a former member of the security and defense committee in Parliament, said that “the Kurdish Peshmerga able to edit hand Alkwyr affiliated to spend a drunken 0.60 km from Erbil” , adding that “the Kurdish forces would control the rest of the judiciary and the villages surrounding it.”
controlled militants Daash on August 6 Current, the areas in the district of drunken southeast of Mosul after fierce battles with the Peshmerga forces, which withdrew from the judiciary.
continued former MP Hassan Jihad for ” term “that” Peshmerga entered into the hand Alkwyr without clashes, and had been bombed during the hours that preceded the attack, a number of shells, “adding that” the Kurdish forces found dozens of bodies belonging to militants organizing the Islamic state. ”
stresses the former deputy that ” American air strikes is sufficient to change the situation on the ground, “adding that” strikes made ​​significant progress by the Peshmerga forces. ”
agrees another member of the security committee in the previous profanity, with what he says Jihad. And confirms that the “American military intervention latest major change in the equation of the battle after the gunmen were high achievers because of the type and number of weapons in their possession, which they obtained after the collapse of the military units in Mosul, Salahuddin and Kirkuk.”
says Shwan Mohammed Taha’s “long” that “air strikes American very accurate, and targeted a number of targets and locations of the concentration of the gunmen in eastern Mosul, “stressing that” these strikes have made ​​significant progress on the ground, and became the Kurdistan safe from the insurgents. ”
But Kurdish lawmaker former says, “if he wanted Peshmerga progress more to the north of Mosul, and edit zones Bartalah and Hamdania and others, they need to strike more broadly. “The American Republican Senator John McCain criticized the air strikes authorized by the American president in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. McCain said that “the work limited to President Barack Obama against the organization of the Islamic state in northern Iraq proved (lack of basic understanding of this danger) and called for attacks on sites of this group in Syria.
revealed Taha for “changes and restructuring took place during the past three days in the ranks of Kurdish Peshmerga forces , noting that “the Peshmerga re-distribution of the difference and the initial forces, and the reprocessing of military plans.”
in turn, says Tariq essence, a member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by former President Jalal Talabani, said that “Kurdistan and its people Ahkuran American forces for directing air strikes kept the threat of militants from the region” .
added essence, which serves as an adviser to the Kurdish Parliament in a statement to the “long”, that “military intervention beyond the danger that was approaching from Arbil,” stressing that “the city has become a safe now and its institutions operate in a natural way.”
and sees the essence of that “air strikes American will achieve more victories, “but stipulated that” is an understanding with the government in Baghdad and the Arab tribes around the province to regain control again on the areas occupied by the militants organize Daash. ”
also revealed Kurdish official for “recognizes the Peshmerga weapons US-made by the federal government in Baghdad.” .
In a later development, official sources announced a Kurdish Sunday, the Peshmerga forces managed to regain the regions of drunken and Coeur in the west of Erbil (320 km north of Baghdad) of the forces organizing the Islamic state, taking advantage of air support American.
said Hlkort ruled, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence in the Government Iraq’s Kurdistan region, said that “the Peshmerga forces managed today (Sunday) from editing Makhmour and hand Coeur after several days of clashes with al Daash,” adding that “air support American helped facilitate the task of the Peshmerga in the expulsion of the organization Daash of these areas.”
For his part, Bashar Kiki Chairman of the Board of Nineveh province, the major cities of Mosul, said that “the Peshmerga forces regained control of the regions of drunken and Alkwyr, supported by the Air Force,” .oika eliminate drunk and Coeur hand, to the south-west and west of the city of Arbil, the capital of the province of Kurdistan.