Obama: We will support Iraq strongly
Obama: We will support Iraq strongly
8/10/2014 0:00
Military coordination between Baghdad and Erbil and Washington to defeat Daash {}
Baghdad morning
New President Barack Obama’s willingness to provide more military aid to Iraq in order to eliminate gangs “Daash” when he hinted yesterday to “increase the size of such aid” and military support, a move that comes a day after one of Obama’s decision to air strikes against terrorists ” Daash “in Iraq, a decision that was implemented by the 100 American aircraft launched 20 raid on terrorists strongholds in the regions between Mosul and Arbel.ola seems that the American efforts aimed at supporting the movements of the Iraqi government in eliminating gangs” Daash “will stand at the border post in the targeting of aircraft gatherings of terrorists, the Washington announced its intention to hand over Iraq, a number of aircraft, the F 16 next month, in a move that is expected to contribute to the resolution of the battles.
was not limited American role in the second day after Obama’s decision, on the air strikes concentrated gangs “Daash” but exceeded to include dropping off food aid to families besieged in Mount Sinjar, in a move that participated during which British planes also.
said President Barack Obama, during a press conference yesterday, “I think that the Iraqi forces and in order to take military action successful they should be more active and establish a strategic vision minutes. ”
revealed Obama during the conference, for giving a telephone with French President Francois Hollande and Britain’s David Cameron on Iraq, stressing that the two sides eternally their countries’ readiness to support the efforts undertaken by the United States on a humanitarian level in the north of Iraq.
said the American president, “the lack of a specific time to end the airstrikes, which is implemented in Iraq. ”
predicted Obama, to accept a number of Iraq’s neighbors, to show more support for the Baghdad government, particularly after the detection of intent “Daash” criminal, and his efforts in targeting those At.oshdd American President , on the need to speed up the formation of a government representing all political parties in Iraq, stressing that such a government would be able to defeat the security difficulties faced by Albulad.uetoqa those steps can play a role in resolving the battles, especially after the formation of a joint operations room between federal security forces and the Peshmerga and American experts, in order to coordinate military action aimed at defeating gangs “Daash.”
came these developments consistent with the feet of the central government to provide the Kurdistan region of a plane loaded with ammunition to repel terrorists “Daash”, something which was a more welcoming, expressed in Washington, when the move was seen as “necessary in the framework of military cooperation between Baghdad and Erbil,” stressing at the same time that the American administration is working with the Iraqi government to meet the demands of the region of small arms and ammunition.
Amid this, managed security forces, backed the efforts of the military intelligence and Army Aviation, killing and wounding nearly 200 terrorist in various fronts that are prosecuted by the remnants of the “Daash” With repulsed security forces attacked from three axes to spend Tuz and killed dozens of the attackers, was able to force other security in Jalawla of the arrest of five women working in the terrorist network to recruit women to the elements {Daash} terrorist.
so , according to press reports, that the army chief of staff first team Babacar Zebari arrived Saturday morning to the town, “Sheil” in the province of Dohuk in order to hold meetings with security chiefs, after the formation of a joint operations room of the Federal Army and the Peshmerga forces and American experts sent by the United States to cooperate in the field of war against terrorism.
extensive details
confirmed President Barack Obama said the United States is continuing to consult with its allies to reach an international coalition on operations in Iraq and the elimination of “Daash”, as it continues to the central government in Baghdad to cooperate with the Kurdistan Regional Government and the American advisers in Erbil to defeat gangs terrorist seeking to progress towards Erbal.oukal Obama during a press conference, I followed the “morning”: “We continue to Mhaoratna with the Senate (Congress) and allies on operations in Iraq,” noting that “the solution to the crisis will not be limited to military operations only” .oavad Obama that “there will be no ground forces American fighter in Iraq,” pointing out that “in the event of exposed sites and our troops threatened by terrorists, we will raise from the form of our intervention” .oakd support for the Iraqi army in its war against al “Daash,” adding that the army needs to a clear strategy, while calling for the formation of a consensus government enjoys the confidence of the people Alaraca.oadhav Obama that “our efforts are focused at the moment to stop the genocide against thousands of Iraqis who are suffering from the crimes committed by al” Daash. “He said that the American air strikes destroyed the weapons and other equipment could have been for “Daash” used in the attack on Arbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region Alarac.obin Obama said the United States will continue to provide aid and military advice to the Iraqi government and Kurdish forces, but he repeatedly stressed the importance that Iraq is a government that does not investigate anyone
and United States has intensified its actions in support of the efforts of the Iraqi armed forces in eliminate the “Daash” and the reduction of his movements, especially in the cities between Erbil and Mosul, which saw air strikes American focused on a number of the terrorists’ positions, as well as its dropping off relief materials on a number of minority populations trapped in the Mount Sinjar, in steps expected it would speed up the resolution of the battles, especially after the formation of a joint operations room between the security forces of the Federal and the Peshmerga and experts Am, in order to coordinate military action aimed at defeating the gangs, “Alarhabiyh.ovi step drew more than welcome, proceeded with the central government, to provide the Kurdistan region of a plane loaded with ammunition to repel terrorists “Daash” As stressed Washington on the importance of the step considered necessary in the framework of military cooperation between Baghdad and Erbil, confirmed that the administration is working with the Iraqi government to meet the demands of the region of small arms and ammunition.
Amid this, managed security forces, backed the efforts of military intelligence The Army Aviation, killing and wounding nearly 200 terrorists in various fronts that are prosecuted by the remnants of the “Daash” With repulsed security forces attacked from three axes to spend Tuz and killed dozens of the attackers, was able to force other security in Jalawla of the arrest of five women working in the terrorist network to recruit women to the elements Daash terrorist.
increase strikes American
Following the approval by the United States President Barack Obama on the air strikes “targeted” terrorists “Daash” in Iraq, proceeded with the American aircraft to target a number of gatherings terrorist gangs “Daash” in the areas of Nineveh, especially adjacent to Arbel.hat announced the Defense Department “Pentagon” yesterday implementation of two air strikes two more against “Daash” near the city of Arbil, indicating that the strikes were on sites to launch mortar shells and a convoy of terrorists.
said “Pentagon” in a press statement: “The American military carried out two air strikes two more against gangs “Daash” near the city of Irbil in northern Iraq, “indicating that” air strikes that followed the bombing of two sites for Daash two bombs each weighing 500 lbs, included blow using a plane without a pilot on the site to launch mortars, “She added,” The raids also included an attack by four planes Av.aah 0.18 on a convoy of Daash. ”
to it, sources familiar with the American and British planes dropping off food aid to citizens trapped in the Mountain Snjar.oakdt Pentagon “Pentagon” yesterday, that American military planes dropped food aid to the Iraqis threatened by terrorists ” Daash “in northern Iraq for the second night in a row, as shown that the process carried out several air bases in the Central Command area of responsibility Alamirkah.kma, the British aircraft, yesterday, dropping off humanitarian relief for Aesidein stranded in the mountains of Snjar.oavad informed source did not disclose named in a press statement that “the British plane loaded with food and medicine has unloaded succor humanity to Yazidis stranded in the mountains of Sinjar who chased gangs Daash.”
joint operations room
in the meantime, formed a joint operations room between Baghdad and Erbil and experts Am in order to accelerate the pace of military action, and the resolution Battle and defeat the gangs “Daash.”
was reported to press reports, the army chief of staff first team Babacar Zebari arrived yesterday morning to the town, “Sheil” in the province of Dohuk in order to hold meetings with security chiefs, after the formation of a joint operations room of the Federal Army and the Peshmerga forces and American experts sent by the United States for cooperation in the war against Alarhab.oofaqa to a statement issued by the media office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the “first team Babacar Zebari arrived in town Sheil in the province of Dohuk yesterday morning for meetings with security chiefs.” He added, “This comes after the formation of a joint operations room of Iraqi army and the Peshmerga forces, experts and advisers Americans to confront the gangs “Daash” terrorist. “In a related context, revealed an American official, yesterday, that Baghdad delivered a plane loaded with ammunition for the Peshmerga forces in the Kurdistan region to repel terrorists” Daash “As I consider the unprecedented step of military cooperation between Baghdad and Erbil, confirmed that the administration is working with the Iraqi government to meet the demands of the region of small arms and Alzkhaúr.onqlt press reports about American official as saying that “the Iraqi government delivered a plane loaded with ammunition for the fighters, the Peshmerga Kurds in the Kurdistan region in the unprecedented step of military cooperation between the forces Kurdish and Iraqi forces to help the Peshmerga to repel militants Daash, “explaining that” the Iraqi security forces delivered ammunition, mostly small arms in cargo plane C-130 to Arbil. “He added the official, who asked not to be named, said:” This is unprecedented, ” pointing out that “the developments that have occurred during the past few days, re-crystallization of this issue and we have seen cooperation is unprecedented between Baghdad and Erbil on the prosecution Daash not only through words but also with respect to support the actual.” He said the American official that “the administration of President Barack Obama is now working with Iraqi government to ensure meet the additional demands of the Kurdistan Regional Government of small arms and ammunition, including mortars and AK-47 quickly. ”
victories security
to it, killed the security forces and the peshmerga, supported directly from the Army Aviation and Air Force about 40 terrorist Daashaa and wounded about 100 others injured while trying to break into spend Tozachrmatu.oukal Mayor Tuz waterfall Abdool’s “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network,” that “Confirmed information indicates that 40 Daashaa were killed and about 100 others, the attack failed them on the elimination of the three axes.”
explained Abdool that “careful coordination between the Army Aviation and Air Force, which mauled sites Aldoaash and Peshmerga forces made it possible to resolve the battle, which lasted for three hours for the benefit of the security forces with the escape of the rest of the terrorist elements. “In the meantime, a security source said of the Peshmerga forces, yesterday, that the security force was able to arrest Five women employed in the terrorist network to recruit women to the elements Daash terror in the region of Jalula.
in the meantime, a security source said in a press statement, that the “Army Aviation carried out air strikes on three strongholds gangs Daash in” villages of Salem – and the village of pure – Catih “and of the suburbs South of hand Saadia, managed which killed 28 members of these gangs. ”
While managed through which the security forces of killing what is known as the “Order of the battalion uniformity” in the Garma area west of Baghdad, the so-called “messenger Hayali,” a security source said, that the Emir of the state of the Baiji , called “Adnan al-Qahtani,” a Saudi national was killed in an air strike targeted Rtlh minutes after their withdrawal from their site, which fired him Katyusha rockets towards the refinery Beja.mn part, confirmed the Directorate of Military Intelligence, said that “the Air Force in cooperation with military intelligence was able to kill three leaders in the terrorist gangs Daash they “Abu Bakr Saudi” and “Mohamed Abdel Wahab al-Ani,” and “F Abboud” in the modern area Alkhsfah west of Ramadi. ”