State law: either Maliki or withdraw confidence from infallible

State law: either Maliki or withdraw confidence from infallible

08/08/2014 5:55 PM

State law - either Maliki or withdraw confidence from infallibleFollow-up uncovered a coalition citizen that the President of the Republic, Fuad Masum, extended the constitutional deadline mandated by the prime minister, until next Monday, pointing out that 70 members of the coalition of state law, told al-Maliki rejection of the third term, and the National Alliance currently trading names important to fill the position of prime minister, announced state law, he would pull the confidence of the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, in the event of disagreement with the third mandate of the owners in a striking development of the complexities of the political process in Iraq. Meanwhile, MP for the coalition of state law, Kazem Sayadi, on Friday, that the coalition will demand the withdrawal of confidence from the President of the Republic , Fuad Masum, in the absence regarded as the largest bloc in parliament, and the only candidate Maliki, “Msttrda saying” we will resort to the Federal Court in the case of naming the National Alliance bloc’s biggest order to clarify the interpretation of this matter, “he described. said Sayadi in a press statement, “The State of Law coalition is the largest bloc in the House of Representatives, according to the interpretation of the Federal Court, so the President of the Republic accelerate Ptjuellna formation of the government and naming the prime minister because if this is not done it, we, we will demand the withdrawal of confidence from infallible.” He Sayadi that “attempt infallible create a state of the balance between the parties to the National Alliance and give them a deadline to agree on an acceptable candidate for the presidency of the government is contrary to the constitutional contexts. ”