Maliki and al-Jubouri agree on cooperation between the executive and legislative branches

Maliki and al-Jubouri agree on cooperation between the executive and legislative branches

26/07/2014 12:21

Maliki and al-Jubouri agree on cooperation between the executive and legislative branchesFollow-up – public opinion – The head of the parliament, Salim al, Saturday, agreeing on the survival of cooperation with the executive branch and let past differences, pointing out that he has been discussing the issue of the arrest of the President of the Baghdad Provincial Council Riyad dentex with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, meanwhile, announced the recent formation of a joint committee between the executive and the legislature to pass laws broken and the budget.
Jubouri said in a joint press conference with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and was attended by the correspondent of the news agency public opinion (and babysit), “The visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to me, today, was to offer congratulations on the occasion of ĘÓáăí position,” noting that “it was agreed that the adoption of laws stalled since the last session. ”

The Jubouri, “The meeting also saw agreement on the survival of cooperation between the executive and legislative branches and let past differences,” pointing out that “the meeting also discussed the issue of the arrest of the President of the Baghdad Provincial Council Riyad dentex, yesterday,” without giving further details in this regard.

For his part, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during the conference, said that “the meeting saw agreement on the formation of a joint committee between the executive and the legislature to pass laws broken that he could not previous parliament passed because of the problems that have accompanied the political process,” stressing that “the task facing the parliament is now Adoption of the general budget, they carry great importance to compensate for the displaced. “p / h