Citizen: National Alliance suggested on the assumption Maliki position of vice president
Citizen: National Alliance suggested on the assumption Maliki position of vice president
Sunday July 20, 2014 18:31
Alsumaria News / Baghdad
MP for mass citizen Salim Shawki, Sunday, that the leaders of the National Alliance suggested to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the assumption of the post of vice president in exchange for ceding his current position, as pointed out that al-Maliki is still adamant about his position.
Said Shawki in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “The leaders of the National Alliance began two days ago to hold continuous meetings to resolve the Alliance candidate for prime minister,” pointing out that “the leaders of the coalition proposed to al-Maliki assumption position of vice president in exchange for ceding his post.”
Shawki added that “Maliki is still insisting on sticking to his position and the position of prime minister, did not appear to do any concession as president of a coalition united to reform Osama Najafi, while a waiver of his candidacy for the presidency of the parliament and nominated himself for vice president.”
The leader of the coalition are united for reform Osama Najafi announced on Thursday (July 3, 2014), the withdrawal of his candidacy for the presidency of the new Council of Representatives, pointing out that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki linking compared to non-candidacy for prime minister for a third term, as pointed out that the change has become a key demand of the alliance National and Kurdistan Alliance.
It was announced by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Friday (July 4, 2014), it will not never give up the post of prime minister loyal to the vote, as he emphasized that a coalition of state law, is the largest bloc. A source in the National Reform Movement, earlier on Sunday (July 20 2014), the existence of contacts between the pillars of the National Alliance, in order to hold a meeting today to trading form the next government.
It is noteworthy that the differences are still going on within the National Alliance for the selection of the prime minister for the next government at a time, which is still state law clings Nouri al-Maliki as prime minister, the other blocks within the coalition of the Liberal and the citizen refuses this nomination, as well as the other blocks out of the coalition is still continuing in categorical refusal to take over as prime minister Nuri al-Maliki for the third session.