Air Force Commander: Sukhoi will reduce the spread of Daash in Iraq

Air Force Commander: Sukhoi will reduce the spread of Daash in Iraq

01/07/2014 11:57

Air Force Commander - Sukhoi will reduce the spread of Daash in IraqBAGHDAD – morning
announced the commander of the Air Force, Tuesday Sukhoi Russian, which came to Iraq Ststhm in reducing traffic Daash and stagger the movement.
said Air Force Commander Anwar Hamad Amin Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN), “The aircraft Sukhoi Russian arrived in Iraq, a in the process of installation, and through it, there will be a quantum leap in the fight against terrorism. ”
and pointed out that “in the next few days we will see its effectiveness against gangs Daash terrorist, in coordination with the ground forces, and counter-terrorism.”
The Department of Defense announced earlier, the arrival of 5 Russian fighter aircraft Sukhoi -25, and its accession to the Air Force, and begin combat missions in three days, to confront the militants, who control large areas of Iraq.