Barzani officially announced the annexation of Kirkuk to Kurdistan
Barzani officially announced the annexation of Kirkuk to Kurdistan
Posted, 27.06.2014 ten thirty-eight PM
Orbit – Kirkuk / The head of Iraq’s Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, in the disputed city of Kirkuk on Thursday that Kurdish authorities ready ‘if he had it’ to bring ‘all forces’ to the city in order to preserve them. visit comes amid growing position of the Kurds in shares in which the leaders of the region and Mtsaknoh viewpoint itself, namely, that the Kurds today are entitled to control the oil-rich province and its city. Barzani said in his first visit to Kirkuk (240 km north of Baghdad) since the control of Kurdish forces by the impact of the withdrawal of government forces’ if he had it going to bring all of our troops to keep Kirkuk and all its components ‘. added during a meeting with local officials and party members’ if necessary I will take up arms myself to defend Kirkuk and its people ‘, saying that’ what we wanted to protect Kirkuk and its people have come to him, though, the conservative need to protect and plans wise. ” This statement is to clarify a statement previously made by Barzani Tuesday at a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs American John Kerry said that the ‘new Iraq’ is in progress after the loss of Maliki’s forces took the control of the security situation in northern Iraq. explain the Kurdish leader of the visiting American conditions ‘Iraq tumbling’ not ruled out moving speed toward independence. source confirmed high-level security in the province of Kirkuk and the arrival of Barzani Thursday in the city of Kirkuk (240 km north of Baghdad), the capital of the province. , and this the first time I visited Barzani disputed city since it imposed a Kurdish Peshmerga forces control fully in the June 12 / June, in order to ‘protect them from the relentless attack waged by armed extremists in different areas. ” said an official in the Kurdistan Democratic Party, led by Barzani, the president of the Kurdistan region’s autonomous’ arrived in Kirkuk to inspect the Peshmerga forces (…) that are spread in the contact area (…) south and west of Kirkuk. ” and added that Barzani ‘arrived in Kirkuk as commander in chief of the armed forces in the Kurdistan region to raise the morale of the segments Peshmerga forces stationed in areas that have moved to after the withdrawal of Iraqi forces and sudden emergence of fears that the militants organize ‘Islamic States in Iraq and the Levant’ go in ‘. entered the peshmerga forces to the rules, which withdrew from the Iraqi army two weeks ago in Kirkuk, which lies on the border, the official of the Kurdish region in northern Iraq, which is in the heart of the oil industry in Iraq. represents the city of Kirkuk, the heart of the dispute Kurd historic with the Arabs. But as long disagreed Kirkuk residents who belong to the nationalities variety of Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen, about the body that is supposed to dominate the oil-rich province and its position: the government in Baghdad, or the authorities of the Kurdistan region’s autonomous. however, the onslaught of armed extremists ago two weeks and managed through the control of large areas of northern and western Iraq, including areas located near the city of Kirkuk (240 km north of Baghdad), the county seat, has allowed Kurdish forces to strengthen its control and dreaming annexed to the Kurdish region final. , and to some extent by the statement Barzani, has been views Kurdish window confirms that it does not seek to control Kirkuk city and province, which only seeks to save its security after the withdrawal of forces, al-Maliki, without denies that the attack was widespread waged by Sunni insurgents ‘is the point of Iraq, and perhaps the future of Kirkuk also’ They were probably mean is indicated by the President of Kurdistan Thursday that he is prepared to keep the city of Kirkuk, all he has strength. They say ‘there is clear is that Iraq change .. We believe that the only hope of keeping the country together is to establish three zones are subject to the rule of Konfdirala.’ In the call to Iraq Konfdirala, mentions some of the Kurds, including proposed (U.S. Vice President Current Joseph) Biden in 2004, in comments he made when he was a member of the Senate. They say that ‘everyone thought then that Biden wants to divide Iraq, but this is the only solution (to the crisis) He was right. ‘ and they see it as part of a similar scenario will choose the people of Kirkuk to be part of the Kurdish region, the ‘vote for safety and services (…) They are aware that the Kurdistan region able to provide them with it’. was Barzani, said In an interview with ‘CNN’ ahead of his meeting with Kerry, ‘We have all we can do over the past ten years to build a democratic Iraq, but that this experience and, unfortunately, did not work.’ he added in response to a question about the possibility to try Kurdish declaration of independence in light of This is the situation that the ‘people of Kurdistan that determines the future and we will abide by his decision. ” He said ‘Iraq falling apart, if at all, it is clear that the Federal Goverment or Central lost control of everything.’ in the meantime agreed to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of the Regional Government Kurdistan Barzani on the need to form a government of national reconciliation in Iraq at the earliest in order to protect the unity of political. reported the Anatolia news agency said Erdogan, who received Nnigervan in Ankara in search of the latest developments in the region, especially in Mosul and Kirkuk, and agreed on the need to establish a government embraces the Iraqi people all and aimed to achieve a fair sharing of wealth and power in the country. sides also touched on the issue of cooperation in the field of energy and stressed their determination to continue on strengthening cooperation, which was formerly a foundation in this area.