Maliki gives Barzani “safe export of oil” .. compared to declare a state of emergency!

Maliki gives Barzani “safe export of oil” .. compared to declare a state of emergency!

Date: Wed, 06/12/2014 2:35

Maliki gives Barzani safe export of oil compared to declare a state of emergencyA source close to Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki that the latter had extensive contacts of the leaders of the Kurdistan Alliance to make a deal satisfactory to both parties in the political and military situation now.
, the source said, “held intensive contacts between al-Maliki and some of the most prominent leaders of the Kurdistan Alliance, including the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Massoud Barzani, to reach to a satisfactory solution for both parties to resolve the crisis between them. ”
The source said that “al-Maliki display on Barzani to be the export of oil to neighboring countries by the province develop safe without the intervention of the central government, as opposed to support MPs Kurdistan Alliance and vote in favor of al-Maliki in the declaration of a state of emergency.”
and added that “as well as show-Maliki on the leaders of the Kurdistan Alliance post Peshmerga forces in the fight against the armed groups that is sweeping the cities and provinces of Iraq,” adding that “coordinated high-level US-sponsored United States has led the approval of the Prime Minister on the participation of the Peshmerga in fighting armed groups.”
and had refused al-Maliki, asked Barzani to involve the Peshmerga forces in fighting armed groups (Daash) earlier, saying that “the Peshmerga are not competent and sufficient capacity to confront armed groups”, according to some news agencies that reported the story.