“Bloomberg”: “Al-Qaeda” threatening to target Iraqi oil sites

“Bloomberg”: “Al-Qaeda” threatening to target Iraqi oil sites

Posted 11/06/2014 02:39 PM

Bloomberg-Al-Qaeda threatening to target Iraqi oil sitesAhmed Alaa translation for ” Bloomberg “*
Fighters from Al-Qaeda, threatened through their websites to carry out attacks on oil sites vital, which is the main source of imports, Iraq, as well as other threats to the scope of infrastructure, energy, the central dynamic of the country, after the control of the most important cities in Iraq is Mosul, as it is this attack of the weaknesses of the security establishment, which hogged by the Points of Light after allegations that a number of members of the army and they fled their commanders.

After one day of the expulsion of the elements of the police and soldiers of the second largest city in the country, according to conflicting reports about the deteriorating security situation in Baiji, north of Baghdad, which includes the largest refinery in Iraq, while the police command said it tightened its grip on the refinery through a few security measures around the town, according to Al-Jazeera English-speaking said some local officials that “the gunmen took the Baiji area, including refineries.”
Noureddine Kaplan, vice president of the Council of Nineveh province, said over the phone late at night: “Mosul is completely in the hands of the” Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant “, in the absence of the army and police, and in this regard, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki conduct military preparations north of the country as well as the U.S. offer full assistance and support to the Iraqi regime, on the other hand, there were not signs of the presence of the army or security agents carried out a counter-attack.
And trying to Shiite-led government increasingly Drug Control to keep control of the predominantly Sunni areas, which increase the likelihood of the return of the sectarian civil war to the second largest oil producer in OPEC, since the withdrawal of United States forces in 2011.
The families of Iraqis fleeing violence gathered at the checkpoint area of ​​the Kurdistan region, the semi-autonomous from the central government, have fled about 500 thousand Iraqis as a result of violence in Mosul, a city which lies about 130 kilometers (80 miles) from the border with Turkey and Syria, according to the agency AFP. The fall of the city, which was followed by the seizure of Fallujah by Sunni fighters in January, enabled the separatist fighters from al-Qaeda to expand their deployment across the north of the country.
