Ministerial committee charged with studying the causes of fluctuation of the exchange rate of Iraqi dinar holds its first meeting

Monday, April 30 / April 2012 15:56

Ministerial Committee charged with studying the causes of fluctuation of the exchange rate of Iraqi dinar yesterday its first meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways. “

A statement by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that Shaways presided over the meeting of the ministerial committee charged with studying the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar in the presence of ministers of finance, oil and Planning, Commerce and Agriculture and the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and Secretary General of the Council of Ministers and his assistant and head of the National Authority for Investment and Consultant Prime Minister of Legal Affairs and the Chancellor’s economic advisory board and Dr. Ali Abdul-Amir Allawi, the economic expert, Dr. Ahmed Bureihi financial expert. “

“The Committee considered the reasons for the fluctuation Iraq dinar exchange rate against foreign currencies where she presented the advisers in the presidency Alorza an offer to the merits of the issue also said the central bank governor to keep it away after officials and extensive debates on the subject.”

Indicating that the Committee will hold a second meeting to get to the recommendations that would assist in the stability of the dinar. “

And witness the Iraqi market rise significantly in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, as it arrived in hair buy dollars in some of the past few days to 1300 dinars, while the price specified by the Central Bank to this day is 1166 dinars, an increase of 134 dinars per dollar, and this equates to about 11 percent Price of the specified formally.

As announced the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers formed under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs [Ruz Nuri al-Shawish] and the membership of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy [Hussain al-Shahristani] and members of the Committee on Economic Affairs and the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers [on the Keywords] to study the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar recently, in addition to propose appropriate solutions and to address and prevent harm to the national economy. “

The central bank attributed the might and the words of Deputy Governor of the Bank of the appearance of Mohammed’s [where] the high dollar exchange rate and increase the demand for it in Iraq to the global financial restrictions imposed on some neighboring countries, referring to Syria and Iran. Ended.