United Nations representative in Iraq up to Erbil and meet with Allawi and Sadr
29/04/2012 17:12
Erbil, April 29 / April (Rn) – A source in the Kurdistan Regional Government, said a United Nations representative in Iraq, “UNAMI” private conduct talks with Iraqi political leaders about the current crisis in the country, Martin Kobler, arrived Sunday to the city of Erbil and met with officials of the province in addition to the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and the existing Iraqi President Iyad Allawi. aide said an official Department of Foreign Relations for International Organization Affairs Government of the province, Dindar Zebari, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “Martin Kobler met during his visit to Arbil, with all of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr , the existing Iraqi President Iyad Allawi, head of the Kurdistan Parliament Arslan Baez, and the Minister of Natural Resources Government Alakulaikm drastically. ” and added that “it is scheduled to meet Kubler with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, as well.” Zebari noted that “Kubler met with the Department of Foreign Affairs Regional Government Kurdistan, and discussed several issues (task), especially the role of UNAMI in Iraq and the Kurdistan region, including the performance of a greater role in mediating and resolving the political problems between the components and Iraqi political parties, and to assist the province in the provincial elections to be held in September of 2012 the current ” . come and visit the UN representative in Iraq, one day after meeting the leaders of most of the main blocs in the country (the Kurdistan Alliance, Iraqi Sadrists) in Arbil. From: Hassan Repin, see: Ihsan Aervani