Statistics: Central bank sales in dollar auction of more than 4.6 billion in the last month
Statistics: Central bank sales in dollar auction of more than 4.6 billion in the last month
Tuesday, April 1 / April 2014 12:28
[Baghdad – where]
R Tft dollar sales at the central bank auction during the month of March last, amounting, according to statistics compiled by all of Iraq [where] 4 billion and 607.335 million dollars, the highest sales figure in the auction during the 6 months since the sales recorded last September, selling 5 billion and 275 million and 645 thousand dollars.
According to central bank data daily, these huge sums sold a stable exchange rate is 1166 dinars per dollar, while sold the dollar in the market at about 1220 dinars to the dollar, which means that buyers if they have sold the currency purchased from the central bank, they get the benefit of 54 dinars per dollar.
The Iraqi central bank held an auction of six sessions per week for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies, starting from Saturday to Thursday and held over the past month March 26 hearing are the most since September last 26 meetings as well.
The highest sale amount in a single day during the month of March at an auction on March 31 when the sale of 231 million and 621 000 dollars and Hoahd of 6 days in which sales exceeded $ 200 million. Ended