Adnan Zurfi detonating a bomb caliber and “slap” al-Maliki announced his candidacy for prime minister

Adnan Zurfi detonating a bomb caliber and “slap” al-Maliki announced his candidacy for prime minister


Adnan Zurfi detonating a bomb caliber and slap al-Maliki announced his candidacy for prime ministerPalm – said political source for the current governor of Najaf, “Adnan al-Zurfi” promoting himself as a candidate to succeed Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

The source said, “Adnan al-Zurfi,” and through a network of its own media promotes the idea to include his name among the names of candidates for prime minister.

The source said Zurfi meetings are private and confidential with the team’s media entrusted with the tasks of the electoral propaganda, explaining that their faces to launch a media campaign announces candidacy Zurfi successor to the owners of the prime minister and included campaign slogans (k elected Zurfi to be the next prime minister), saying that it represents Based strong for him to collect voters.

A source in the province of Najaf had reported two days ago that a quarrel took place between Nuri al-Maliki adviser for Special Assignments Sheikh Abdul Halim Zuhairi and governor of Najaf, Adnan al-Zurfi.

The source explained that the reason for the quarrel is that the great Sheikh Abdul Halim Zuhairi visited Najaf and met Balzrfa and discussion about the upcoming elections and how to mobilize the street Najafi to elect state law.

According to the source quickly turning it into a successor to al-Maliki as President of the ministers, which angered Zuhairi, considering that al-Maliki is the only candidate for the state law, but Zurfi had a different opinion as put himself forward as an alternative to the owners and on its impact broke the quarrel between the two, which reached to the stage of expulsion Zuhairi, and before that He has come out Zurfi ((if you have that power and Elhoudoh Vahsaloa more than Vice in Najaf that this did you get it)).

The Adnan Zurfi has been inaugurated as governor of Najaf Ashraf after the agreement with the State of Law coalition also announced that he will enter the upcoming elections in the list alone.