Calls for Washington to activate the Strategic Framework Agreement and supplying Iraq with weapons

Alkhozai calls for Washington to activate the Strategic Framework Agreement and supplying Iraq with weapons

03/14/2014 18:35

Alkhozai calls for Washington to activate the Strategic Framework Agreement and supplying Iraq with weaponsFollow-up – and babysit – called Vice President Khodair al, USA activating the strategic framework agreement and speed up the supply needs of Iraq, including weapons, as Washington renewed its support for Iraq in the fight against terrorism.
He Alkhozai in a statement issued by his office after a meeting with Assistant Secretary of State George Brett Makourk received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of it, that “Iraq and the region are facing terrorism targeting all the meanings of life,” calling to “transform what has been adopted in the Baghdad conference first international counter-terrorism action steps to contribute to the fight against terrorism and eliminate it. ”

He called on the American side Alkhozai to “activate the strategic framework agreement signed between the two countries and to accelerate in Iraq, including providing the needs of sophisticated weapons from the Iraqi army was able to defeat terrorism and” Daash “and the protection of innocent citizens who are being killed.”

The statement quoted Assistant U.S. Secretary of State confirmed, to “support the government of the country of Iraq in all fields, especially in the war against terrorism.”

, The statement stressed that “Alkhozai and Makourk in search of the latest developments in Iraq and ways to address the problems in the political arena, particularly the process of approving the budget and the relationship between the center and the region in addition to the electoral benefit next and the democratic process in Iraq,” explaining that “the two sides agreed to make joint efforts and cooperation to find solutions to contribute to the stabilization of the political situation in the country. ” X / Y