Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-1-14

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-1-14

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions/predictions3-1-2014 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 Their country is worth a minimum right now (without much infrastructure) of over 55 trillion. They have more resources than any country in the world – PERIOD. They have more gold than any other country besides Russia and Iraq is much smaller! Prior to the war they were third in the world in agriculture production. Their soil will produce more per acre more than our richest soil. Their banking being structured on futures creates a situation like our banks which can loan out 100,000 dollar for every 10,000 on deposit. It will allow them to pay us a million dollars and will only cost them around $20,000 dollars. REST EASY…WE WILL BE HUGE WINNERS VERY SOON.

3-1-2014 Newshound/Intel Guru Eagle1 This information has not yet made the financial news, but here is a heads up for all of you on the group of currencies in the first “basket of currencies” out of the 168 scheduled for revaluation or devaluation. Two of the currencies listed are two we’ve talked about and are very familiar with — the IQD and the VND. The IQD’s revaluation is literally “moments away”, if I can put it like that, and the Dong will follow almost immediately thereafter.

2-28-2014 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 Just an idle observation…they have had the IMF intimately involved with the CBI for some time…we have seen the BIS stop by and show interest…the World Bank was there to help them bring things up to technological speed…a couple of other nations have talked to them about banking technologies….now the UST comes in offering the same type information to the Iraqi’s…it tells me that something is getting most RIPE…perhaps a cornucopia about to come bursting apart with new laws…even more than we have already seen…a new budget…but even before all that…a new rate for the CBI to live by…that will sweeten everyone’s pot…making all very happy.

2-28-2014 Intel Guru Hub i have said several times that history shows iraq has had a strong international currency for hundreds of years and will do so again…if you have been watching the articles…then you will see they are up against the time line to bring the dinar back…iraq, imf, ust, bis or WHO ever is up against it to do this…just watch what iraq must do to be who they have been…i think we are there, just a matter of going internationally live.
