Maliki’s coalition distancing himself and accuse the Kurds are united and blocking adoption of the budget
Maliki’s coalition distancing himself and accuse the Kurds are united and blocking adoption of the budget
2.17.2014 eleven eight
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} distanced State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki himself from blocking the adoption of the financial budget of the country in 2014, blaming it on the Kurdistan Alliance and a coalition united.
The MP said the state law, Khalid al-Asadi told the News} {Euphrates on Monday that “the problem of the export of oil and the Kurdish province of members united by the Council of Representatives prevented a quorum, legal, and therefore we can not begin legislative steps for the budget bill unless the quorum.” added al-Asadi “Now the Kurds do not agree on the entry hall of the parliament unless the problem is solved, and the united Province of meetings of parliamentary, and thus misfire quorum so far.” boycotting the members of the list are united internalized in the coalition, the Iraqi Council of Representatives on the background of current events in Anbar province, where they had submitted their resignations House Speaker Osama Najafi, either members of the Kurdistan Alliance Verwdon entry hall parliamentary unless resolved all dilemmas between Baghdad and Erbil and related share of the Kurdistan region and accruals oil companies operating there and the salaries of the Peshmerga and other things that are controversial constant and continuous between the two parties. noted that the Presidency of the Council Deputies had been lifted days before the parliamentary sessions until further notice, pending the meeting of the two delegations will also have a federal and Kurdistan in Baghdad on the above problems. was due to visit Baghdad on Monday, a Kurdish delegation to complete negotiations with the federal government over the budget. End