Damluji: Maliki is ready to do everything in order to stay in power

Damluji: Maliki is ready to do everything in order to stay in power

February 3, 2014

Damluji-Maliki is ready to do everything in order to stay in powerBAGHDAD – ((eighth day))

Revealed spokeswoman Maysoon al-National coalition, the existence of a political concern among the political blocs of the postponement of the upcoming parliamentary elections, as pointed out that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is ready to do everything in order to stay in power.

Damluji said in a statement to the Agency ((eighth day)) that “there are concerns by all the political blocs of the postponement of the elections, especially that the parliament will end its legislative day 15 of the month of June next,” adding that “the postponement of the elections after this date will leave Maliki in power without any sergeant for the security of the presidency or the House of Representatives. ”

She Damaluji that “there are conversations they conducted with the Sadrists and the Supreme Council and the Kurdistan Alliance and the Iraqi parties, and that all these are not with the postponement of the elections,” pointing out that “the beneficiaries of the survival of the situation is al-Maliki,” adding that “Maliki is ready to stay in power and hit Constitution and democracy, because all Maémh the job is to stay, nor any Imamh Amrakhar “. (AA)
