Parliamentary economy: non-application of the customs tariff in Kurdistan constitutional violation

Parliamentary economy: non-application of the customs tariff in Kurdistan constitutional violation

22/01/2014 14:45

Parliamentary economy-non-application of the customs tariff in Kurdistan constitutional violationBaghdad – and babysit – I went back to the Committee on the economy and investment representative non-application of the customs tariff by Iraq’s Kurdistan flagrant violation of the constitution.
A member of the committee, Abdul-Abbas estrus in a press statement, said Wednesday, “The committee believes the failure of the ports of Iraq’s Kurdistan apply customs tariff breach of the law, explaining that” the law applies to all border crossings in the country. ”

He said Abdul-Abbas said that “the federal government has begun to implement the early stages of the customs tariff, which consists of luxury goods and 199 secondary schools in all border crossing points.”

He said Abdul-Abbas said that “the Ministry of Finance in coordination with the General Authority of Customs will apply some of the measures, including the introduction of police customs at border crossings in Kurdistan (Erbil – Sulaymaniyah – Dohuk), likely put Sitarat the security forces with the customs line Altmars between the provinces of Kurdistan with other provinces “.

Abdul Abbas demanded that “the Government of Arbil, the application of the customs tariff in line with the aspirations of the Federal Government for the purpose of promoting the economic reality in the country” … p / i