Workshop in Erbil Bacharf World Bank

10:20 AM

Integrity of electronic / follow-up of David Muhannad

Oversaw the World Bank with support from USAID and the Swedish International Cooperation (SIDA). Workshop Hosted by the Center for Private Sector Development in Iraq(PSDC) 

The workshop was attended by representatives of the Center for private sector development and private sector development experts from the World Bank in Iraq and Development Agency and the Swedish international cooperation, many of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce from Dohuk to Basra. There was a meeting between them and representatives of chambers of commerce, including the head of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Swedish

and workshop included issues provided the role of business, and policy advocacy, and empowerment of women and leadership for business.

And dropped on the second day for the hearing and the Swedish Trade Minister Ewa Baorlng, a word about investment opportunities in Iraq, expressing high expectations for further bilateral cooperation, investment and economic cooperation between Iraq and Sweden

and the exchange of private sector representatives in Iraq and the views and experiences with their counterparts from the Swedish side and expressed the hope to achieve more cooperation

This event is an important achievement towards strengthening bilateral trade relations between Iraq and Sweden and is a first step towards building the capacity of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce and the development of the Iraqi private sector effectively