Expert: the application of tariffs on all materials will support the local industry in the country
Expert: the application of tariffs on all materials will support the local industry in the country
25-12-2013 10:40 AM
Baghdad (news) .. Called economic expert Abdalhassan Shammari to the need to apply the law of the customs tariff on all imported materials to support the local industry in the country, warning applied to some imported materials Kalkamaleh and others. said Shammari (of the Agency news): to support the local industry and promote the need to activate the package of economic laws the most important of the Tariff Act and the protection of the national product and consumer protection, calling on the Council of Ministers to activate those laws for the advancement of the national economy. added: that the application of tariffs on certain materials Kalkamaleh, perfumes and other would hurt the economy and the citizens because they can not manufacture in the country, as well as lead to increased prices of goods and materials in the Iraqi market. noted that the Ministry of Planning announced the application of the Tariff Act early next year that will be applied in part on some imported materials Kalkamaleat, perfumes, electro-luminescent devices and other Kalthreyat. / End