Vice exclude parking political parties behind the failure to approve the law of bank deposits

Vice exclude parking political parties behind the failure to approve the law of bank deposits

12-11-2013 11:38 AM

Vice exclude parking political parties behind the failure to approve the law of bank depositsBaghdad (news) .. Excluded member of the Finance Committee MP / Kurdistan Alliance / Najiba Najib, be political views behind disable Protection Act of bank deposits, indicating that routine killer Last approving a lot of economic laws. said Najib (of the Agency news): The Law on the Protection of deposits of important laws that increase confidence and satisfaction citizen during the deposit money banks, noting that the banking system depends on the size of deposits financial higher the larger the greater the capital and the size of investments. said: that the reason for the delay in approving the economic laws, especially the Law on the Protection of deposits is routine killer in institutions, excluded that the political parties behind the delay. demanded Najeebeh: the government to speed up the passing of this law and other economic laws that operate on the support and development of the Iraqi economy. was Chairman of the Finance Committee Haider al-Abadi was likely to pass a law to protect deposits to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives trauma vote on it in the coming days. / End