Economist: can be promoted budget of 2014 put the foundations of a comprehensive development
Economist: can be promoted budget of 2014 put the foundations of a comprehensive development
Monday, 21 October 1 / Okrudolf 2013 13:31
[Baghdad – where]
The economist said Bassem Jamil that he “can be promoted budget 2014 through lay the foundations of a comprehensive development and subject and compatibility with the 2013-2017 five-year plan.”
He beautifully told all of Iraq [where] today that “the budget in 2014 is considered the largest budget in the history of Iraq and must attach them our hopes, but after making a radical change in the formulation and that there will be budget goals strategy and not, as happened in previous budgets.”
He added that “the operating budget requires a reduction of the purchase of automobiles, furniture and buildings, etc. The allocation of the bulk of them to invest and that there is a Council of reconstruction has competencies and expertise and specialists in isolation on the effects of the political parties in the disbursement of budgets and allocate a portion of which is also in the private sector contribution to the process of reconstruction of the country.”
He explained that he “could be promoted budget through the development of the foundations of comprehensive development of the existence of consensus between the five-year plan for the years 2013-2017, indicating that it should be subject to and in harmony with the five-year plan to achieve the strategic objectives which works to reduce poverty and unemployment and the promotion of industrial sectors and agricultural to ease the burden on oil revenues and creating Other resources for the budget. ”
The parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the next budget year 2014 amounting to 174.6 trillion dinars, indicating that the bulk of which was devoted to the energy and security sectors.
The Committee member Magda Tamimi in front on social networking [FB], “The budget of 2014 next reach 174 trillion and 6 billion dinars,” noting that “it is distributed by 22 trillion for security and defense, and 38 trillion and 9 billion dinars of energy, of which 11 trillion Electricity, 7 trillion and 9 billion dinars to trade, including 5 trillion for the ration card. ”
The Al-Tamimi added that “the budget allocated trillion and 9 billion dinars for the construction sector, reconstruction, and 4 trillion to the Council of Ministers, and 99 billion dinars for the Presidency of the Republic,” and “3 trillion dinars allocated for the agricultural sector and two billion industrial.”
According to a member of the Finance Committee that “the budget allocated 3 trillion dinars to table new salary,” pointing out that “investment allocations budget amounted to a rate of 36 percent after it was in its predecessor close to 40 percent,” pointing out that ” grades will provide to physicians and pharmacists, teachers, judges and internal security forces, in addition to the inclusion of the customizations needed her, “pointing out that he” will install all contracts ministerial and support the purchase of wheat and barley, maize and salaries of public companies, self-funded and pay off the debt, which is the responsibility of Iraq. “ended 2.