Parliamentary Economic Committee: to postpone the project of deleting the three zeros from the currency decision of a professional

On: Friday 04/20/2012 12:10

Baghdad (news) .. The Committee welcomed the economic parliamentary resolution adopted by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to wait a project delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency, considerable time it is not perfect, and needs to be enough time to implement it. 
The head of the Economic Commission deputy / coalition in Iraq / Ahmad al-Alwani (of the Agency news) Friday: The decision issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to postpone the project of deleting the three zeroes from the local currency is professionally before they be political, because it is an important project and needs to be enough time to study it and stand on the most important Mostagdath, the fact that the Iraqi dinar is considered a national currency and has no identity sectarian or national. 
He added that the Economic Commission representative had meetings continuously and extensively with the federal government and the Central Bank on this project was the consensus that this project is important for the local currency and the economy of Iraq and Iraq is not the first country who is running this experiment, but there are many countries omitted Asgar of its currency, but it needs to be enough time to apply, the fact that the country is going through during the current period of Altazmat and political differences between the parliamentary blocs, so he needs political stability to be applied. 
On the issue of link the Central Bank of the Council of Ministers, MP-Alwani to: that the federal government has denied its claim linking the central bank by and bring it under control, because the Central is an independent body to its policy of financial and administrative systems in order to function independently and without political pressure being interest to the general of the Iraqi people, the constitution stipulated that they are all independent bodies, including the Central Bank is linked to the House of Representatives to monitor the work and hold him accountable in the event of default. / Finished / 8. n. r /