Calls for contracting with international companies to install surveillance equipment on oil pipeline
Finance parliamentary calls for contracting with international companies to install surveillance equipment on oil pipeline to prevent targeted
02-10-2013 12:58 PM
Baghdad (news) .. Called the Finance Committee parliamentary federal government to contract with international companies to set up electronic devices to monitor the pipelines of oil to prevent the target and detonated by insurgents. said committee member MP Hassan Auzmn Bayati (of the Agency news): that Iraq lacks the capacity and capabilities to secure the constructors oil sabotage which are exposed continuously, as in the pipeline Kirkuk Ceyhan, which is exposed from time to time to the bombing and sabotage by insurgents. pointed to: most of the world’s oil-producing began using the techniques and technology world to monitor installations and oil pipelines to prevent targeted by militants, calling for contracting with specialized international companies setting up systems and surveillance equipment to monitor and protect oil pipelines from الاستهدافات repeated by anonymous, incurred by the country financial losses are enormous. This exposed pipeline Kirkuk Ceyhan to acts of sabotage repeatedly by unidentified gunmen even became almost turned off for work despite which issued through which large quantities of oil estimated at 650 thousand barrels per day. / End