Rapporteur of the Commission on oil preclude approval of oil and gas law in the absence of a national consensus among the parliamentary blocs
Rapporteur of the Commission on oil preclude approval of oil and gas law in the absence of a national consensus among the parliamentary blocs
Baghdad (news) .. Ruled out the decision of the Oil and Energy Committee MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Qassim Mohammed Qassim, approve oil and gas law in the absence of a national consensus between the political blocs during the current parliamentary session.
Kassem said (of the Agency news): The oil and gas law is one of the important laws of the country and at the same time is one of the laws that are the touchstone of disagreement between the blocks, and the laws that are still disabled within the House of Representatives.
said: that the intransigence of the blocks and not to show flexibility to some of the laws will not see the light of the law of oil and gas during the current parliamentary session, because the approval needs to be a national consensus by parliamentary blocs, stressing in the absence of agreement of the blocks on the law passed, it will leave to the next parliamentary session.
mentioned that oil and gas law is one of the important laws in the country being adopts the process of organizing wealth of oil and gas and distributes powers between the federal government and local governments in the provinces and the region, That’s where the current government is determined to be contracting processes and oil extraction and exploration in her hand while demanding local governments to grant her powers to do so