Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and submit his resignation and agency experts in economy Hdhuroa of a combination between the two positions

Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and submit his resignation and agency experts in economy Hdhuroa of a combination between the two positions


He informed source close to the “Iraqi Central Bank Governor agency Abdul Basit Turki he submitted his resignation today,” to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, due to not being able to manage work at the Central Bank and the Office of Financial Supervision,

and the source said that Turkey is no longer that manages requests for central and mail signature Central Bank of the stack for many weeks and the intervention of some political figures in the central business and due to pressure from some political figures and interfering in the affairs of the technical and administrative banks, and Turkish did not reveal details that forced him to resign.

He explained sources Prime BSA Abdul Basit Turki tendered his resignation from the post of governor of the central bank today, which was occupied by proxy.

“Did not disclose the source of more details about the resignation is not known after the Turkish sacked by the Prime Minister or feet resignation is forced. According to many experts economics and law that Iraqi law should not combines Prime BSA over the position, especially the governor of Central Bank of Iraq, and demanded Prime Minister searching for Biddle for a Turkish non-reordering in the combination between the two administrations and the seriousness of financial conditions and economic conditions in the assumption of a Turkish governor of the central and Tzbb exchange rate as well as currency smuggling, money laundering and failing to Aalqdhae the phenomenon

The Council of Ministers decided to appoint Abdul Basit Turki governor of the Central Bank of Iraq instead of Shabibi. In the sixteenth of the month of October last year, declined to economic expert Ahmed Bureihi to receive the position of Management Iraqi Central Bank Governor said Bureihi in a statement he had no desire to assumption of the post of Governor of the Bank. there are a lot of thorny and complex problems in the files of the Central Bank.