The U.S. gave Assad one week to deliver chemical weapons stocks “to avoid a military strike”

The U.S. gave Assad one week to deliver chemical weapons stocks “to avoid a military strike”

17:11 09/09/2013

The U.S. gave Assad one week to deliver chemical weapons stocks Follow-up – and babysit – gave the U.S. President Bashar al-Assad, one week to deliver chemical weapons stocks confirmed that Assad’s response may be set aside Damascus “military strike”.
He said U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in a press statement on Monday, news agency pursued public opinion (and babysit) “The United States calls for President Bashar al-Assad regime to hand over stocks of chemical weapons within one week.” Adding that “Assad will avoid a military strike in the event of responsiveness and blessings of chemical weapons during this period.”

Experiencing Syria since (the 15 March 2011 the past), a protest movement and wide began to raise demands for reform, democracy and ended claim bring down the government, but it quickly turned from a peaceful opposition to armed took up arms against the government, with the support of the region’s countries allied with the United States and the West, resulting in even today killed more than 100 people dead, as well as more than a million and a half million refugees and displaced people.