Najafi: Syrian strike will set fire to arrive in Iraq

Najafi: Syrian strike will set fire to arrive in Iraq

16:01 09/08/2013

Najafi: Syrian strike will set fire to arrive in IraqFollow-up – and babysit – warned House Speaker Osama Najafi, Sunday, to guide America’s military strike against Syria and its impact on the internal situation in the country, as demanded by providing the necessary protection to the provinces border Almtkhama to Syria to prevent the infiltration of armed groups to and from Iraq, rejecting any arbitrary actions affect citizens by security forces.
alt Najafi said in a press conference held in the House of Representatives that “a military strike on Syria would not be helpful and will set the fire could spread to Iraq and neighboring countries,” stressing the need to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria.

He added that “there is a conflict of visions in finding a peaceful solution,” but he also said “Support the Syrian people to choose a free and dignified life, and caused the killing of civilians Eemiaoa must be held accountable.”

He said the President of the House of Representatives that “the Syrian issue is very serious, the situation in Iraq cracked and weak, and a lot of problems, and we are working to secure Iraq than any fire intervention will not be affected if our house is immune.”

He pointed out that “the border provinces must be kept, and prevents infiltration to and from Iraq, and there must be security measures just not arbitrary, and must satisfy the public of these provinces because the Syrian situation is dangerous and a possible move to Iraq.”

The United States plans to the U.S. and its allies a military strike against the regime of Bashar al-Assad against the backdrop of recent use chemical weapons in the armed struggle against his opponents, but that the positions of the countries of the region and the world mixed on this resolution.

M. J